Social Media Trends to Take Note of in 2016 [Infographic]
A Marketing article written by
CJG Marketing has gathered information to create an interesting infographic with the top social media trends to take place throughout 2016. These are a bunch of great tips of what digital marketers and can expert, as well as how business can take advantage of these trends.
New features are always emerging from social media, as the giant’s evolve and improve the way users interact with their platforms. Video is growing as well as users using their mobile devices. The figures and trends from within the infographic demonstrate the huge audience and following of social media, which highlights the fact every business big or small should be utilising.
Make 2016 the year you create a digital marketing strategy if you do not already have one for the year. What do you wish to achieve from it?
Below are a few ideas:
- Increase social media followers and interactions
- Write more blogs/whitepaper or articles on interesting topics
- Increase brand awareness
- Increase consumer engagement
- Create engaging marketing campaigns
If you need a hand coming up with a digital marketing strategy we can help!

Embedded from CJG Digital Marketing